Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Nights

We are loving these laid back summer nights.  Our favorite way to spend an evening right now is to grill something delicious and summery and then take a walk.  The other night we had burgers and watermelon.  We started calling our nightly walk our "fruit walk" because there are wild blackberries, cherries and strawberries along the way.   This is why summer is my favorite season! 

beautiful sunset views

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good Reads

I have lots of time on my hands this summer- a luxury, I know.   I am always on the lookout for a good book and especially now that I have so much time to read.  Recently I finished Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand which is a biography of Louie Zamperini.  It's inspiring and eye opening- I highly recommend it.

The other book I just finished could not be more different-  The Guernesy Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer.  This book is much more lighthearted and makes for great summer reading.

My friend recently introduced me to Good Reads which is an awesome site.  You can list books you have read, want to read and are currently reading as well as rate those books and write reviews for them.  You can also find your friends on good reads and see what books they have read and what they liked- very helpful for finding new books.

So what should I add to my summer reading list?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Backpacking at Cold Mountain

Last weekend Nick and I decided to go backpacking at Cold Mountain, VA.  It's right up 81, not too far from Blacksburg so it made the perfect overnight trip.  While we have our old favorite camp spots, it was really fun to try something new.  We hiked about 5 miles in before finding the perfect spot.  The sweet part about this is that the trail makes a loop, so we only had about a mile to hike out the next day.

The trail was beautiful and the weather was perfect- 70's and no humidity!

Our reward for hiking- beautiful views and high alpine meadows!

We took our time setting up camp, making a fire and getting our food ready.  Camping is so relaxing to me because you don't have anything to worry about except your basic needs- food, water, shelter.  We brought books and just enjoyed being together.

I experimented with some new camping meals this time- they were delish.  Nick and I both agree- we would rather carry a little more in and have yummy food.  I made foil packets with chicken, potatoes, onions, carrots and herbs.  You just combine it all together with olive oil, then wrap it tightly in two layers of foil and cook it in the campfire for about 25 minutes.  The best part is there are no dishes to wash.

Oh, and this sign we saw on the way out of town cracked us up.  Hilarious.

Our friends told us about this website which is an awesome resource for finding great hikes.  You should check it out if you are looking to hike around VA.