Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Coming in March...

.... Baby Scheuer!

Yes, its true, we are having a baby in MARCH and we are thrilled!  Yes, it is also true that I am WAY behind on this blog.  I am actually 20 weeks along- halfway there!

We are so thankful for this amazing blessing in our lives.

The first time we got to see the baby- around 8 weeks.

So, tomorrow is the big day- BOY or GIRL?  Let me know your guess in the comments!  More details to come soon :)


  1. I don't know why, but I'm really feeling BOY for yall! So anxious to hear!! And glad to finally see this post : ) Love yall!

  2. Can't wait to have a neice or nephew!!! But... I am also thinking boy! So nephew:) I cannot wait to find out for real! Love y'all and love this baby already!

  3. YAY! Congrats Kev & Nick! I think girl... Excited for you guys to find out!!

  4. We are super excited for you two! Grammy and I are just praying for a healthy, bouncing baby, boy or girl!! What an incredible blessing for the whole family. Papa Scott

  5. yes yes yes!!! sooooo very excited! praying you soak in every moment during the ultrasound & can't wait to hear if our lil Ellis will have a best GIRLfriend or potential BOYfriend coming in March :)

  6. AACK!!! I am so excited for you guys!!! I think it's a...GIRL :-) CANNOT wait to find out!!!

  7. We are so excited over here in Tennessee - can't wait to hear. I loved seeing you both last week
    and getting lots of hugs and good food. We will talk tomorrow. love, regina and barry

  8. oops, meant to guess girl but if you have a boy you two will have so much fun.!!!

  9. whoop, whoop!!!! We're so stinkin' excited despite being all the way over here on the other side of the pond!!!!!

  10. I say GIRL. But most of the time I'm wrong, so I guess you'll really have a boy. :) Either way, I'm praying for you all! Sending love.

  11. I want a sweet baby girl to look just like you.
