Sunday, October 21, 2012

It's a.....


We went for the ultrasound on Thursday morning.  By that point I was pretty sure the baby was a boy.  I'm not sure why I felt that way, but I did.  When the ultrasound tech said "girl!"  we were both shocked!  We are thrilled and so thankful for a healthy baby girl!  As my dad said when I called to tell him "we know what to do with girls around here."  I am amazed by how well you can see her sweet face.

I pretty much cried all day on Thursday- happy tears of course!  I cried throughout the whole ultrasound, I cried with a lady in the waiting room who asked to see the pictures of the baby, and I cried when I went to school and told everyone what we are having.

Nick and I celebrated that night with dinner at a new restaurant in Wake Forest that we love.  We had the best time together, talking about names and how we can't wait to meet her.   It was such a fun day!


  1. You KNOW how I feel about this news : ) JOY, JOY, JOY!!!!! Love her already..

  2. YAAAY!!!! :-) We are celebrating with you! It is such an amazing journey! That gender ultrasound is so incredible. That was the first time that it really started feeling REAL to us. We are so excited for you!

  3. Papa and I are so excited about our new baby girl. Can't wait for March to come. Post pics of your house. We love you.

  4. So you!
