Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life Update

So- it's been awhile!  I took an unintentional break from the blog- but our lives have changed completely since I last updated.  Here's what we have been up to-

We spent most of the summer in Blacksburg, while Nick applied for jobs.  Around the beginning of July, we (I) was starting to get pretty anxious.  Our lease was up at the end of the month, my school wanted to know if I was coming back, we didn't have a place to live etc etc.  We had lots major decisions coming up- really quickly- and nothing to base them off of.  I was doing anything I could think of to help us prepare for what was coming- looking at storage units and temporary housing while Nick just kept reminding me that God had a plan for us in all of this.  He felt so confidant that God would take care of everything in His perfect time.  We kept praying and trusting.

Around the second week in July, Nick got a call for an interview for a small county in VA.  We were thrilled- finally something was opening up!  We made the trip a few days later for the interview and to explore the area.  It went really well, and Nick left feeling pretty confident.  On the way back to Blacksburg, he got a phone call from a county in NC wanting him to interview the next week!  We were so excited!

Meanwhile, my school needed to know my plans for the fall.  They were so patient with me, holding my job and giving me plenty of time to make my decision.  Eventually they gave me a deadline- July 20th.  We prayed and prayed for a firm answer one way or the other.  Finally the 20th came and the only thing we had to go on was that God didn't seem to be opening doors in Blacksburg.  While I was encouraged by Nick's two interviews, it was still a very scary, sad thing to call and give my resignation.  Nick and I were both so blessed by my job in Blacksburg. The school I worked for was a community and I already miss everyone there so much!

The very next day we were on the way to the interview in NC when I jokingly said to Nick "maybe you will get another call for an interview today."  Not two minutes after I uttered those words his phone rang.  It was the county in VA offering him the job!!!  Amazing!  Here I was hoping for another interview, but God surprises us with an offer instead.  I quit my job with not much to go on and the very next day God provides something else!  Nick was able to go to his next interview with confidence- which I am sure made a huge difference.

An hour after the interview was over, they called and asked for a second interview a few days later.  The second interview went really well and the next day they offered Nick the job!  He accepted on a Thursday and on Friday we were back in NC looking at places to live!  The next week we packed up our whole place, said goodbye to some amazing friends and moved to Raleigh- a whirlwind for sure.  Every aspect of our life changed in about two weeks.  God was completely faithful and every small detail was taken care of!!  It is crazy to look back now at how quickly everything changed-  we can clearly see God's hand in all of it.

So, we said goodbye to a really great chapter in our lives and have started another one.  Blacksburg was such an amazing time/ place in our lives.  We (surprisingly to us) loved living in such a small town.  We formed relationships that I hope last a lifetime.  We left part of our hearts in the mountains that we both love so much.  I am so thankful for those two years of our life.  It is bittersweet living back in NC.  I am so happy to be near family and old friends again, but seriously missing those VA mountains.  We will be back to visit soon!

That brings us to today.  Nick has already started his new job and is really liking it so far.  I am working on getting us unpacked and settled and looking for jobs myself (prayers for that are appreciated :) )  Come visit us in Raleigh!  We have an extra room and an air mattress!  We are excited to see what God has in store for this new chapter in our lives!