Sunday, June 6, 2010

London Snapshots

We are having a blast so far in London. It has been wonderful to be able to explore and really enjoy our time here. Instead of trying to sum up the past few days for you in words, I think pictures would be better.

This is the view from our room at Cait and Josh's house, where we are staying. Isn't so beautiful? Every time I glance out the window, I am reminded that I really am in London!

Here are Annie and Ellie waiting for the big red double decker bus. We have traveled by bus, the underground or "the tube", the overground and most importantly walking! You can see in this picture Annie's scooter. Because everyone walks where they need to go here, the little kids ride in the stroller if they are small enough or they ride one of these scooters around. She is great at it and its really fun to watch!

Nick pulling Annie on her scooter.

The Tower Bridge and the Thames River

Nick and I on the London Bridge with a view of the city

Some shots from a fabulous market we went to called Borough Market. They had everything you could imagine!

Nick and I in Hyde Park.

On Saturday we went to Ellie's favorite park, Hamstead Heath. There is a farmers market there, several playgrounds and even a pool. We had a picnic and Nick and I walked up to the highest point in London called Parliament Hill. From here you can see many of the famous landmarks.

We went to Buckingham Palace and saw one of the royal guards. From there we walked up to see Piccadilly Circus (a central part of town) and there was a protest going on over the Gaza strip. What was at first interesting, quickly started to make us a little nervous so we headed back home.

Thanks for checking in on us!


  1. Looks like yall are having a great time! :)

  2. SLINDS AND NICKBO I am excited to keep up to date on your travels...missing you both!
