Sunday, November 13, 2011

NC State Fair

Up until a few weeks ago, I had never been to the state fair.  I know, its crowded, overpriced and full of greasy food but it seems like a shame to live (almost) your whole life in NC and not visit the fair.  Now that we live in Raleigh, it seemed like the perfect time to go.  On Thursdays you could get in for free with a canned food donation so of course we took advantage of that! 

You can find almost anything deep fried at the fair-  candy bars, oreos, mac and cheese, even kool-aid and bubble gum.  

We didn't ride any rides, or play any games (seriously what would you do with something this large??) but just enjoyed walking around and people watching. 

 We did our fair (ha) share of eating and our favorites were the corn dogs and fried oreos-  they were amazing actually.  Good thing we did lots of walking too.  We are thankful to spend time with good friends!