Sunday, February 17, 2013

Grayson Highlands

All the way back in December Nick and I decided to go backpacking at Grayson Highlands in Virginia.  We wanted to celebrate Nick's birthday and also enjoy one more backpacking trip before we welcome our baby girl.  The weather was perfect and we had the best time being together and enjoying one of our favorite places.

We saw the wild ponies that live up on the mountain.  They just roam around.  Nick got close enough to feed them.

We ended up hiking a good ways- about 2 1/2 miles one way.  I felt pretty good up until the end when I started to get tired.  Nick being the gentleman that he always is ended up carrying my pack for the last mile or so.  His words were "you carry our baby, I'll carry your pack."  What a great husband :)

We made it to a great spot up on the ridge at Three Peaks just in time for the sunset- so beautiful!

This was taken after we made it safely back to the car.  Me and baby at around 28 weeks- her first camping trip!  I am sure there are many more in her future! 


  1. Cuuute!!! We went hiking a ton when I was around 28ish weeks. Can't believe you are so close to meeting your sweet little girl!! So excited to see pics! xoxo

  2. You are one of prettiest pregnant mamas I've ever seen!

  3. Beautiful pictures and beautiful mama! You are so close to meeting your baby girl. I can't wait.


  4. Lindsay, I look for your post every day and love seeing them. Please post more about your home and baby.
    we love you, Papa and Grams

  5. Wow Linds, just checking in.....I had NO idea you went camping in the middle of winter while you your pregnant!!! You are a saint. And, I LOVE Nick's comment about carrying your pack. I can totally hear him saying that, ha!
