Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Nights

We are loving these laid back summer nights.  Our favorite way to spend an evening right now is to grill something delicious and summery and then take a walk.  The other night we had burgers and watermelon.  We started calling our nightly walk our "fruit walk" because there are wild blackberries, cherries and strawberries along the way.   This is why summer is my favorite season! 

beautiful sunset views


  1. I want to be there! Dinner looks delish and a after dinner walk sounds even better (almost!) It's way......... too hot to walk here except in the early morning and even then we come back dripping, grrrrrrrrrr

  2. I almost forgot............... wild cherries? wow, that makes me really want to be there, how cool!

  3. OK im craving that burger now...thanks linds

  4. Yum!!! I want to come go on this walk with you and eat those things:)

  5. These pictures are great, Linds! You have a good eye.
