Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Years 2012

For New Years our good friends Luke and Taylor invited us to the Register's beach house at Ocean Isle for the weekend.  It had been forever since I was able to spend quality time with Taylor and it was awesome to spend a relaxing weekend at the beach with great friends.  The weather was gorgeous and definitely didn't feel like December/January.   Saturday morning we woke up to a delicious breakfast and took a long, leisurely walk around the island and the beach.  

Most of the group-  Happy 2012!

More sights from our walk-

Another highlight of the weekend was the endless cornhole playing.  Taylor and Luke made this set for her parents and we put it to good use!

Turns out Tay and I made an awesome team (who knew!?) and had the longest winning streak!  (Please excuse our un-showered selves :)

Their house is a quick walk to the beach, so we were able to catch an amazing sunset on Saturday night- the last one of 2011!

All fresh and clean- the whole group minus the Registers

We had a yummy lasagna dinner, played Apples to Apples and then went to a bar to hear some live music.  Sharkys (the bar) dropped their version of the ball at midnight- it was a shark of course!  I didn't lug my camera there, so sadly no pictures.  It was the perfect way to ring in the New Year.  Thanks again so much to the Logans and the Registers- we had an awesome time! Let's do it again soon!

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