Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Strawberry Picking

A few weeks ago Nick and I headed out to Lyon Farms to pick strawberries.  The weather was perfect and the berries were at their peak!  I spent the afternoon making strawberry cupcakes, strawberry ice cream and strawberry scones (and then gave most of that away because we definitely don't need all that around!) I love that warmer weather brings such delicious fresh foods!


  1. Love catching up with your blog! Happy Anniversary. I love you!

  2. Linds - we had your turkey burgers with carmelized onions and provoline cheese - yummmmmmmmmmmmm - can't wait to see what you come up with next. We love all of your recipes and look forward to the times it's your turn to show us something new. Lis, ila and oak hung out with Blair and anna at the playground on Thursday. Love you and Nick too.
